Are we experiencing new dynamics of
revolutionary change coming from the Global South? In his fascinating new book Southern Insurgency: The Coming of the Global Working
(Pluto Press, 2015) Immanuel Ness looks more closely at the labour movements in
India, China and South Africa and their potential of resistance to exploitation.
In this post, I will give a brief glimpse at the book based on a presentation
given by Ness at the Five Leaves
in Nottingham/UK on 5 November.
in the global labour movement
There is a paradox in the global labour
movement. On the one hand, trade unions in the Global North have clearly lost influence.
Against the background of a change in the balance of power in society due to
the increasing transnationalisation and informalisation of production, trade
unions are no longer in a strong position to impact on policy-making. The most
recent attack on labour rights in the UK, where the Conservative government
attempts to undermine trade union power by limiting the right to strike in its
Trade Union Bill, is just one of the examples, which indicate labour’s
weakness. If trade unions were strong, no government could even consider attempting
such an attack.
And yet, despite this weakness of trade
unions in the Global North, these unions still think they can tell labour
movements from the Global South how to organise and how to interact with
employers and the state. They still think that it is their right to have the
leading positions in international trade union organisations such as the
International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC). Unsurprisingly, labour
movements in the Global South are tired of what they perceive to be a
continuation of imperialist, colonial policy with white Europeans and North
Americans telling them what to do. Considering that labour movements in the
Global South have always had to organise under conditions of precarious labour
markets, perhaps it is time for trade unions from the Global North to learn
from their brothers and sisters from the Global South?
and the brutal authority of the state
Since the 1990s, India has liberalised its
economy. Workers are divided between elite workers in privileged positions,
potentially members of trade unions, and a large informal sector of contract
workers amounting to 90 per cent of the whole workforce. The labour insurgency
at the Maruti Suzuki car manufacturing plant is the best known case of workers’
struggles against exploitation including occupations of the factory. In the
end, it was only violence sponsored by the employer and government, which could
break the strike and defeat the independent union. As committed as the
resistance by workers at Maruti Suzuki and elsewhere in India is, however, the
main objective of workers is to gain the right to strike. In itself, this is
not a revolutionary, transformative demand, Ness asserted.
struggles in China
In China too, labour militancy is on the
rise. Working under conditions of super-exploitation in companies such as
Foxconn, young Chinese migrant workers are no longer satisfied with their
situation and increasingly resort to industrial action. In order to maintain a
smooth production process, the government often intervenes asking employers to
make concessions in order to pacify workers. The situation in China clearly
illustrates that workers can make gains through class struggle especially in
times of labour shortages. At the same time, as Immanuel Ness made clear,
workers’ demands are not of a revolutionary, transformative nature. They
neither demand political change, nor a change in the capitalist market economy.
What they want is the right to free association, the right to strike and the
right to collective bargaining with the aim to improve their economic situation
and to gain the opportunity of settling permanently in the cities where they
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Photo by Edwin Lee |
action in the South African mining sector
Major strikes have taken place in the
South African mining sector since 2006. Frustratingly, the mining workers’
union NUM has opposed independent workers strikes for better conditions and pay
and the AMCU formed as an independent union outside the main confederation
COSATU as a result. In a way, this split mirrors the general split inside
COSATU with the metalworkers’ union NUMSA having broken away. Implicated in
neo-liberal economic policies in its alliance with the ANC and the South
African Communist Party, COSATU is increasingly losing credibility amongst
especially black South African workers.
And yet, the split in the labour movement
has not dampened workers’ willingness to engage in radical action. In
2009/2010, Ness reported, the Platinum belt was on fire as a result of wildcat
strikes organised by non-recognised unions. The massacre of striking mine
workers by South African police at Marikana in 2012 (see also The Dance of theUndead) has to be understood against the background of these developments. In
2014, 70000 workers were again on strike from January to June in the mining
sector, this time victorious with an increase in the pay of the lowest-paid,
entry-level workers. NUMSA too was involved in successful strikes in the same
Overall, the situation in South Africa is clearly volatile. It is here, Ness concluded his presentation, that we may see a more transformative dynamic at this point in time, rather than in India or China. What is clear, however, is that it is the determination of these workers in the Global South, from which workers in the Global North can learn. It may well be a time for a change in who is teaching whom about what to do.
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Photo by Chris Beckett |
Overall, the situation in South Africa is clearly volatile. It is here, Ness concluded his presentation, that we may see a more transformative dynamic at this point in time, rather than in India or China. What is clear, however, is that it is the determination of these workers in the Global South, from which workers in the Global North can learn. It may well be a time for a change in who is teaching whom about what to do.
Prof. Andreas Bieler
Professor of Political Economy
University of Nottingham/UK
Personal website:
8 November 2015
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