The electoral victory of Mauricio Macri in the
recent Presidential elections in Argentina (22 November 2015) signifies a
dramatic change in Argentine and Latin American politics. Despite Mauricio
Macri's campaign promise to ‘keep the good policies’ of the former center-left
government, the reality of the first month in office is strikingly different. In
this guest post, Bruno Dobrusin
analyses these changes as well as the reasons for, and broader implications of,
the turn to the right in Argentina.
Reversing centre-left
There have been drastic policy changes during
the first month. To name a few: devaluation of the currency by 40%; reduction in
export taxes for large agribusiness; new cabinet full with former
CEOs of multinational companies; reformulation of Central Bank mandate to
further its autonomy; elimination of import controls; liberalization of foreign
exchange controls; reversal of the media law; revision of all contracts in the
public sector signed since 2012; realignment with US foreign policy objectives,
including the promotion of free trade agreements. This brief list highlights
the main decisions taken in only a month in office and shows that Macri’s
government has two main objectives: (1) liberalizing economic policy after
years of intense state intervention in Argentina, and (2) becoming a reference
point for the right-wing in the region, in view of defeating the wave of
progressive governments of the previous decade.
The arrival of this right-wing project into government was a product of a combination of factors. In 2011, Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner run for re-election and won by an outstanding 54% of the vote in the first round, with the closest rival at a distant 16%. This large popularity was a combination of distributive measures and high economic growth during the previous years, supplemented by Cristina Kirchner’s charismatic leadership. The electoral results—and the defeat of the center-left project—of 2015 was a product of different factors, several to do with Kirchnerism’s own limitations; while others were related to what we can call an ‘investment lockout’ on behalf of the business sector and the lack of access to foreign currency.
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Photo by Area Fotografia, Secretaria de Medios |
The arrival of this right-wing project into government was a product of a combination of factors. In 2011, Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner run for re-election and won by an outstanding 54% of the vote in the first round, with the closest rival at a distant 16%. This large popularity was a combination of distributive measures and high economic growth during the previous years, supplemented by Cristina Kirchner’s charismatic leadership. The electoral results—and the defeat of the center-left project—of 2015 was a product of different factors, several to do with Kirchnerism’s own limitations; while others were related to what we can call an ‘investment lockout’ on behalf of the business sector and the lack of access to foreign currency.
Reasons for the
decline of Kirchnerism
During the second mandate of Cristina Kirchner,
inflation remained high at an average inflation of 30% per year, while economic
growth began to stagnate, with near zero growth in the 2012-2015 period. This
coincided with a decline in the export of primary commodities as well as their
prices in the world market. The redistributive measures implemented in the
previous years (2003-2011), which focused on adjusting social assistance and
pensions according to inflation mixed with collective bargaining agreements
that generally matched inflation, were continued in this period, but with less impact
on the overall economy than in the past. Employment generation in the private
sector stalled, informal work stopped its decline at around 33% of the
workforce. Unions increased conflicts in the last three years, and while the
political relationship with the government of a majority of trade unions
continued, a growing number of confederations and unions took a confrontational
stance by carrying out five general strikes between 2012 and 2015. Moreover,
so-called ‘second generation’ demands became more acute, especially in the
field of public service provision. The train accident of 2012 in one of Buenos
Aires’ main stations, Once, left at
plain sight the mishandling and lack of investment in an essential service and
the complicity between the State and the company in charge of the railways.
Although the government reacted by nationalizing most of the urban services,
this reaction was late and has only recently resulted in improvements of the
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Photo by Mauro Rico/Ministerio de Cultura de la Nacion |
A second element that influenced the economic
condition of Argentina during the last Kirchner administration was the dispute
with vulture funds that held Argentine bonds. During the 2001 economic crisis,
Argentina defaulted on its debt with foreign bond holders. The default lasted
until 2005, when the government of Nestor Kirchner (2003-2007) renegotiated with 75% of the creditors a
major cut in the debt—close to 75%—and the exit from default. In 2010, the
government launched a new campaign to negotiate with the remaining 25% of the
bond-holders, with the same deal as before. After both negotiations, 93% of the
total debt was renegotiated with significant reduction of overall debt. The
remaining 7% of bond-holders, many of these now in the hands of vulture funds,
went to court in the hope of getting the full value of those bonds. This move
by the vulture funds got a friendly judge in 2012, who ruled in favor of these
hedge funds and blocked Argentina’s access to international markets. This added
to an already-existing difficulty in accessing cheap credit, since the
government had rejected any form of IMF intervention in economic policy. The
lack of access to credit led to, among other policies, a firm exchange control
that in turn affected economic investment—and expected returns by corporations.
Argentina entered yet another period of foreign currency restriction, showing
the limitations of the Kirchners’ project to overcome the dependence on the
export of primary commodities, an issue that has affected all other progressive
governments in the region.
A third factor to understand the defeat was the
electoral campaign itself. The candidate chosen by the then-governing party,
Daniel Scioli, had a tense relationship with Cristina Kirchner and this tension
was expressed throughout the campaign, when there seemed to exist two parallel
agendas for the same political project. Only in the second round did Cristina Kirchner
firmly come out in support of Scioli. The right-wing ran a campaign based on
‘happiness and change’, not responding to attacks from Kirchnerism and avoiding
mentioning any concrete economic agenda, as well as hiding their economic
advisors—most of them with previous experience in the neoliberal administrations
of the 1990s.
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Photo by Alex Proimos |
These three factors can partially explain the
changes taking place in Argentina’s political direction. The economic measures
implemented by the new government will affect mostly working people and
redistribute wealth upward, towards concentrated capital and large
agribusinesses. The new administration has decided to reduce the presence of
the State, returning to the dogmatism that dominated the neoliberal decade of
the 1990s. A central element in this new position is foreign policy, where the
clashes with Venezuela have already begun. At the last Mercosur Summit in
Paraguay, participating for the first time Macri engaged in a verbal
confrontation with Venezuela's foreign affairs minister. Moreover, the
government has signaled its intention of joining the ‘Pacific Alliance’ (a free
trade agreement between Mexico, Costa Rica, Colombia, Peru and Chile) that
intends to be incorporated into the Transpacific Partnership Agreement.
Continuing contestation
and resistance
Despite these policies already implemented, the
economic agenda of the government will not be easily taken. The trade union
movement is beginning to mobilize more intensely, and when collective bargaining
rounds start in early March, the level of conflict will certainly rise. In
parliament, the Peronist party (which includes Kirchnerism) still remains a
first minority in the lower-house and a majority in the upper-house. The
firepower is large, making it possible to reverse some of the policies of the
government and force it to negotiate with the opposition. Lastly, after the
2001 socioeconomic crisis, Argentine society has remained highly mobilized.
Informal workers through picket lines on major roads, formal workers through
trade unions, and the middle class have consistently gained improvements
through mobilization. The public space remains an area of debate and dispute
that governments cannot ignore. The capacity to challenge the new agenda will
depend on the dynamic of these elements; especially on the impact that social
mobilization can have on the government’s liberal agenda.
Overall, what took place in Argentina, and a week later in Venezuela’s parliamentary elections, is an indication of changing times in Latin America. It is not definite, as the reversals of neoliberal policies from the 1990s show, but it has certainly produced a revival for the right-wing on the continent and a defeat for progressive movements. The capacity to create new alternatives will depend not only on the political forces’ actions in opposition, but also on the autonomous capacity of popular movements to mobilize and promote alternatives. This was key during previous struggles against neoliberalism and was generally lost in the region during the progressive administrations, especially after the defeat of the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) in 2005. The reorganization, generally under the banner of the State, has created few spaces of autonomous contestation. Returning to those practices by organizing the base is a mandatory step for those movements, including labour, that were essential in reversing neoliberal policies two decades ago.
Bruno Dobrusin works at the Centro de Estudios e Investigaciones Laborales - CONICET in Buenos Aires, Argentina. He is also Advisor to the Argentine Workers' Confederation (Central de Trabajadores de la Argentina, CTA).
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Photo by galio |
Overall, what took place in Argentina, and a week later in Venezuela’s parliamentary elections, is an indication of changing times in Latin America. It is not definite, as the reversals of neoliberal policies from the 1990s show, but it has certainly produced a revival for the right-wing on the continent and a defeat for progressive movements. The capacity to create new alternatives will depend not only on the political forces’ actions in opposition, but also on the autonomous capacity of popular movements to mobilize and promote alternatives. This was key during previous struggles against neoliberalism and was generally lost in the region during the progressive administrations, especially after the defeat of the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) in 2005. The reorganization, generally under the banner of the State, has created few spaces of autonomous contestation. Returning to those practices by organizing the base is a mandatory step for those movements, including labour, that were essential in reversing neoliberal policies two decades ago.
Bruno Dobrusin works at the Centro de Estudios e Investigaciones Laborales - CONICET in Buenos Aires, Argentina. He is also Advisor to the Argentine Workers' Confederation (Central de Trabajadores de la Argentina, CTA).
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